Bigger and Better Things!
First and foremost, thank you to all our new and old fans over the last few months! If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be where we are today. As our company continues to grow, we have been busy revamping our website to make things bigger and better for the future! Our latest upgrades have revamped our News, Services, and About sections. We will have more on the changes to these sections below. We have also updated our email subscription to align with the updates in our News sections so you can get the news and updates you want to see! We made these changes a couple of weeks ago and have been testing them out over the last week or so to work out any kinks, and are happy to now officially announce the new updates!
Section Updates
To clean up the menu options we have across the top of the website, we have combined a few sections together with the use of drop-down tabs. Under the “Our Services” section you will now find, “Photo and Video Services,” “Printing Services,” and “Our Recommended Photographers.” Under our “About” section you will now find “About,” “Our Staff,” and “Contact.” Last, but not least is our News section. Under this section, we did a complete overhaul in preparation for further expansion in our news sector in the near future.
Instead of just one news section broken up into multiple categories covering anything from local and regional news to national and international news in one area, we broke up our news sections into 5 regions; Midwest, Northeast, South, West, and International. A 6th region, Southeast Region, will be coming soon as well. The below image is an example of what each of the pages will look like, and will continue to include the categories area to allow the reader to further filter their news results to a particular area that might interest them the most.
Additionally, we have created new RSS feeds and categories to subscribe to for email updates for each region so you can not get the news and updates for the regions that matter most to you! If you’re already a subscriber to our emails and you want to learn more about how to take advantage of these new categories, more information is available in the section below.
A look at the new Midwest Regional News Section.
Already a Subscriber to our emails? Need to update your region selection?
First off, thank you for being a loyal subscriber! Secondly, if you are already a subscriber and you would like to update your subscription with the region(s) you are most interested in, all you need to do is fill out the form below again and select your region(s) of interest. That information will automatically be updated in our system as soon as you hit “Subscribe.”